The First Post, and why it will be your hardest

Writing the first blog post is the hardest. I wanted to start a blog in 2012, and I thought to myself, oh blogs are for people who have a lot of time in their hands, I do not have that!

At this point in life, I was studying Masters in Interior Architecture in the UK. I was juggling studies and planning my wedding and you can probably imagine the pressure that would come along with it.

I wanted to start a public Instagram profile in 2015 as a new mom of one, and I thought to myself, public Instagram profiles are for people with a life, all I do is change nappies and google ‘are mushrooms safe for babies’, I’ll start that page when my baby doesn’t take so much of my time and I’ve lost that last 10 pounds ( you know how that turned out).

I wanted to do this again at 2018. I thought I’d be a makeup blogger, but I looked around and saw ladies who were fabulous! psst, what is the point of starting a blog when I wouldn’t follow someone like me?

a Fashion blogger? Am I even a fashion blogger if I can’t hold my leg up at 90 degrees in that Victoria Beckham pose?

a Food blogger? but I lack the willpower to click pictures of my food without taking a bite already.

So that brings us to today, 2020, where I believe everyone is doing a better job than me, some even at washing hands and applying sanitizer, Yes, I watched every one of those how-to videos that popped on my feed. And I realized,

“Comparison is the thief of Joy.”


Today I wish so dearly that I’d started that blog back in 2012 when I didn’t have my three little heart monsters and had all the time I needed.

In his book The 5am Club, Robin Sharma explains a phenomenon wonderfully in the way that he always does. He says;

Do you know why the Space Shuttle uses more fuel in the first sixty seconds after lift-off than it uses over the entire orbit around the Earth?

It needs to overcome the powerful forces of gravity after it takes off. It requires a large amount of fuel to overcome those initial forces and reach escape velocity. But once it does, momentum kicks in and then craft just goes.

The first phase of creating any new habit is precisely like this. You need to rise above your own forces of gravity until your escape velocity kicks in.

Robin Sharma, The 5am Club

This quote resonated with me on so many levels and is the reason why the first post will always be the hardest. If you are anything like me, put aside all that procrastinating, have a little faith in yourself, and stop comparing yourself to everyone around you and start that damn blog/page/profile/channel.

Start by ticking 1 thing off your list.

Start by writing 1 paragraph.

Start by drinking 1 glass of water.

Start by reading 1 page.

Start by doing 1 workout video.

Start by making 1 video.

Start by waking up early 1 day.

Do it today.

Repeat tomorrow.

Rise above your own forces of gravity.

This is where I started. This is my first post. It took me 8 long years to get here, but I’m so glad I’m finally here. If this post inspired you to write your first blog/post or channel comment here and I will like, comment or both on your first post.

How to write your first post

The one thing that you have that nobody else has is YOU. Your voice, your mind, your story, your vision. So, speak and write, draw and build, play, and dance YOU can. and live only as YOU can.


Makeup and Fashion Enthusiast Shilpa is a part designer, a part chef and a full mum of three. In an attempt on Indian representation in Germany she shares stories from her far from home (and from size zero) life since 2020.

Find me on: Web | Instagram


  1. Raj
    May 25, 2020 / 5:17 am

    Nice read! Good potential to be a full time blogger.. Good Luck!

    • heyShilpa
      May 25, 2020 / 11:34 am

      Thank you. I will be looking forward to your comments on my other posts too.

  2. Malavika
    May 21, 2020 / 11:53 pm

    Very cool endeavor. Looking forward to reading more of your posts. All the best!

    • heyShilpa
      May 22, 2020 / 4:33 am

      Thank you so much! Looking forward to more comments <3

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