What is an Outfit Formula and How it will change your Life

I was always someone who loved to read about fashion and to be ‘aware’ of everything that is trending around me. I loved to look, read and sometimes even tried to implement the two cents that I had gained from my copy of Vogue.

Fast forward to being a new mom times three. Suddenly I was functioning on five hours of sleep, three cups of coffee, and battling a leggings addiction. I was wearing the same leggings and sweatshirts every day. You’d probably imagine that I saved a lot of money on clothes, on the contrary I was indulging in retail therapy to reward myself for my stressful life. I was busy buying one dress here from the end of season sale* and another top there because it was a great deal and another two pairs of shoes because they looked super cute. The next day as I quickly change out of my pajamas, after getting everyone else ready, I quickly note that I have nothing to wear and forfeit to wearing the same leggings that I wore the previous day.

*In Germany, like a lot of countries, an end of season sale is at the end of a seasonal change. When I shop at an end of season sale in Winter, I end up with items like wooly sweaters, heavy jackets and such that I would have to wait until next winter to wear.

I was in a rut from looking frumpy all the time. When my mood didn’t improve, I shopped to feel better only to realise yet again that I had nothing to wear. The endless cycle.

One day I received a call from a Kindergarten that I had applied to for my daughter. They wanted to meet me. It was a casual affair but it was super important to me, so I wanted to look perfect, not flashy, not frumpy, just normal.

So I put together an outfit that didn’t include leggings. I thought in great detail about what the weather would be like, how far is the parking lot, what shoes would be the most practical, and what layers could I take off If it got too warm. The morning rush is crazy, so I hung together all the pieces on the door of my wardrobe.

This act was life-changing.

The next day I woke up looking at this outfit that I had to just pick up and change into. That day I thought about what I’d wear the next day and hung it up. And repeat

If I could explain what that felt like, It feels like past you sending future you a love note.

It is like having a personal assistant who has meticulously thought about your wardrobe and chosen the perfect outfit for you.

I’m here to help you with your daily outfits or better described, outfit formulas. Your personal assistant is me.

What really is an Outfit Formula?

As you put together your outfits you will realize that it recurs. An outfit formula is a combination of pieces that create a complete look. This is sometimes called an ‘outfit uniform’ or a ‘fashion uniform’ as well. You probably have a few ‘go-to’ formulas you use already without even realizing it.

For example, imagine this is your daily ‘go-to’ outfit,

Jeans + T-Shirt + Jacket + Flats.

If you think about the formula in mathematical terms, a formula is meant to be evaluated. That is, you replace all variables in it with specific values. Such as, the ‘variables’ of

Jeans + T-Shirt + Jacket + Flats

can be replaced with ‘specific values’ like

Blue/Light Wash Jeans + Striped T-Shirt + Khaki Utility Jacket + Metallic Flats


Dark Wash Jeans + White T-Shirt + Leather Jacket + Nude Flats


Light Wash Jeans + White T-Shirt + Camel Jacket + Leopard Flats

Each of these options still includes the variable of Jeans + T-Shirt + Jacket + Flats, but you can vary the details of each piece to create three completely different looks that suit your style. As you start decoding your current wardrobe in this manner the options become endless and You’ll never say you have nothing to wear again!

Though the options are endless, you do not need 20 or 30 daily outfits. 5-8 well put together outfits each season works perfectly for everyone.

How it will change your Life

1. You will save precious Brainpower

In Psychology there is a term called Decision Fatigue that refers to the deteriorating quality of decisions made by an individual after a long session of decision making. This is also the reason why former United States President Barack Obama, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg have been known to reduce their everyday clothing down to one or two outfits to limit the number of decisions they make in a day.

Imagine saving up all that gorgeous brainpower for important decisions later that day rather than on your outfit for the day.

2. It will save your Time

Imagine saving up those thirty minutes to get a good breakfast or to get ahead of that morning traffic.

You wake up in the morning and open your wardrobe to find five perfect outfits, all you need is pick one. You only need to wash and press these 5 outfits and keep it in its top form, wouldn’t life be a lot simpler?

3. You will exuberate Confidence

It is literally a winning Formula that you have tried before and you are always confident that you look fabulous. No more ducking Susie at the Supermarket because you’re wearing something you aren’t confident about.

4. You will be rewired to choose Quality over Quantity

When you go shopping you will be looking for what goes into an outfit rather than impulse buying a floral skirt on sale and hoping it will look good with something in your wardrobe.

You will be soon shopping for something that isn’t an impulse piece, but rather a forever piece, wouldn’t you think about its quality, make, comfort, and longevity. This way you will elevate the quality of your whole wardrobe.

5. You will become your own Brand

Think Coco Chanel. What do you first think of? Pearls. Monochrome. Winged Eyeliner. Red Lipstick.

Karl Lagerfeld.

Andy Warhol.

They dressed the same way every day and became their own brand. You will be more memorable to those you meet and also bring about a sense of authenticity.

6. Sustainability

There couldn’t be a word more vital to our times than this one. Sustainability. Outfit Formulas will help you buy less, waste less and end the Fast Fashion loop.

in Conclusion

Using an outfit formula to find a few outfits that you absolutely love is a great way express your personality, end getting caught in fast-fashion trend loops and improves your overall well-being by letting you concentrate on things that really matter to you.

I’m for style. Fashions change too quickly.

Coco Chanel

Here you can find a new outfit formula ideas every week, put together with pieces you already have in your wardrobe

Now if you give it a thought, there are only a 5-6 outfits that you wear over and over again, whilst the rest of your wardrobe awaits in anticipation. What is your ‘go-to’ formula? Comment below, I’d love to hear.


Makeup and Fashion Enthusiast Shilpa is a part designer, a part chef and a full mum of three. In an attempt on Indian representation in Germany she shares stories from her far from home (and from size zero) life since 2020.

Find me on: Web | Instagram

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