Hello, besties! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. The weather has gone so quickly from 8 to 22°C, I’m making a few quick orders for my Summer Wardrobe. Are you also someone who has nothing to wear despite all your purchases? This was me, my whole life until I discovered Capsule Wardrobes and Color Palettes. For over a year I’ve been using color palettes while shopping for my Capsule wardrobe. In this post, I will be sharing my favorite Summer Wardrobe Color Palettes.
Firstly, what is a Color Palette?
A Color Palette is nothing but a selection of colors that work well with each other. It is extensively used in Design and if you look around you will see it everywhere. In Packaging, Interior Design, and even in Website design. You already use it without even realizing it, but let’s try to use it in the best possible way.
Why do you need a Color Palette?
Using a color palette means you will shop items of certain colors, prints and textures. This will help you own a cohesive Wardrobe in which all pieces work well together. It will also help you be more mindful about what you shop and prevent impulse purchases.
How to style your Capsule Wardrobe using a Color Palette

Find your Base Color?
The basics are the main or ‘go-to’ colors of your closet. They form the key pieces of your outfit like trousers, coats, and jackets. They need to be versatile and go with other pieces of your wardrobe. Here are some ways to understand your base colors:
- Look at the color palettes below, which one interested you the most, like a gut feeling?
- Take a look at your wardrobe, what colors do you own most?
- Think of all the outfits you wore last week, what colors did you wear most often?
- or, this can be as simple as what colors are your favorite?

So what are your Base colors?
Accents, Prints and Textures
Accents, Prints, and Textures are what adds fun and personality to your Wardrobe. You can choose these based on your taste, seasons or on the colors that are available in the stores at the time. For example, at the moment I see Periwinkle and Polka Dots in all the stores, so I thought it will be a great addition to my Wardrobe.

Color Palettes for your Summer Wardrobe
Here are five Color Palettes that are perfect for Spring and Summer. These Palettes include Base Colors, Accent Colors and Prints and Textures. I used the Casual Chic Palette earlier.

Which Palette did you like the best?
Would you like to create your own Color Palette? DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE WORKSHEET HERE.
Olá me chamo Dayane sou do Brasil perdoe não escrever em seu idioma eu amei suas cápsulas de guarda roupa parabéns pelo conteúdo espero algo no inverno também Rs